To My Little Ones.....

To My Little Ones...... If I knew tomorrow would not come, today would be filled with words of love for you!!! So often, life is given to the "good" or sadly, just the "busy", and the best is never lived. My heart is bursting with love for you. Love is always the "best". Inspired by Bev at, I'm writing my love!! love always, Mama

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What are my dreams for you?

Dear Little Ones,

First and foremost, I would like to see you set free of chains from the past.  I am refering to things handed down that should not have been.  And things we have learned that came from our own selfishness.  Dysfunctions and unhealthy ways of relating, of viewing ourselves and God and other people.  Bad habits and undisciplined, warped thinking.  These things can only be cured by Jesus Christ.  They are His works alone and no part of this work can be done by us.  We fool ourselves if we think that we can do any of it, as the modern psychologists teach.  When we buy into that, we are only strengthening "self", which is fed by all the emotional expression, endless self-examination, and prideful humanistic "remedies" that have the appearance of healing, but are in truth only structures of containment that make it harder to surrender.

Real healing and mental health come from finally realizing how utterly helpless we are to make any real changes and lying in a puddle at the feet of God as we give up all hope forever of any kind of self-fix.  For it is only then that He can finally step in and begin touching you, and eventually flowing through you with HIMSELF!!!!

My dreams for you don't include riches or even accomplishments.  I hope you will be financially responsible to save money for your cars, your house downpayments, your childrens' education, and your retirement.  It is impossible for me to convey to you the shame and regret I feel because I was selfish and did not do these things, but instead spent it all as I went, and got into debt besides.  Oh, the anguish of thinking that you might do the same sins I have done because I have made you stumble!!  I hope you will do everything you do, whatever it is, with all your strength, all your might, all your soul.  If it doesn't seem to you that you should pour your very soul into it, you need to re-think whether you should be doing it.  Can you smile at Jesus while you do this thing?  If so, then it is perfect use of your time forever!

I hope that you will not fall into the popular idea that you can do more than one thing at a time.  "Multi-tasking" is a lie from Satan, because it allows us to feel brilliantly successful, while scattering and dissipating our souls on what amounts to a rat-wheel.  Be content to do one thing at a time,....a thing that is worth your time, and your complete concentration from beginning to end.

Self-pity is satanic.  It will remove every worthwhile dream from you because it severs you from humility and thus from Jesus.  Self does not need pity; it needs annihilation.  Be ruthless to it!!!

Every dream that is wonderful is found in our Lord, and in His plans for you from before time!!

I love you,
Your Mama

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