To My Little Ones.....

To My Little Ones...... If I knew tomorrow would not come, today would be filled with words of love for you!!! So often, life is given to the "good" or sadly, just the "busy", and the best is never lived. My heart is bursting with love for you. Love is always the "best". Inspired by Bev at, I'm writing my love!! love always, Mama

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Are We Always Given What We Need?

Dear Little Ones,

From the beginning, God has provided us with exactly what we need, always.

He has also provided His own needs, which include children with a free will.  Free will enables love to operate.....otherwise, we'd just be programmed robots, and not children at all, and incapable of loving God, or each other.  Forced or programmed love is not love, but selfishness on the part of the enforcer.  God is love, and love is only genuine as a gift.  Isn't it wonderful that God made us able to give ourselves to Him and eachother as a gift?!

Every circumstance is given as provision for our needs.  Even the bad ones.  With them, we are bent, broken, shaped, educated, and formed into the persons we are meant to be.  With them, we are given opportunities to surrender, each day, to God, Who knows exactly what is needed to remove self/sin, and grow personality.  Look at them as a journey into spiritual health, which dictates every other kind of health.  Trust God to take you on your journey.

You have watched me go on mine for a long time.  You've seen me rail and rebel, slide backwards, fail, and fall.  You've also seen the infinite grace of God move me forward whenever I surrendered!  It is only with His grace that we can surrender at all, but it is sufficient for us!  My failures caused God great pain, and also affected you in bad ways.  But we are talking about the God of "more than all we can ask or imagine"!!  And He is able to give us back the life He had intended for us, no matter how much we have failed!  THAT is PROVISION, and THAT is LOVE!!

Lord, bless us and teach us to love You, and one another.

Love, Mama

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