To My Little Ones.....

To My Little Ones...... If I knew tomorrow would not come, today would be filled with words of love for you!!! So often, life is given to the "good" or sadly, just the "busy", and the best is never lived. My heart is bursting with love for you. Love is always the "best". Inspired by Bev at, I'm writing my love!! love always, Mama

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What is wisdom?

Dear little ones,

Of course we know that the beginning of wisdom is to fear God.  These verses are perfect:

Ps 25:12-14 (NEB) If there is any man who fears the Lord, he shall be shown the path that he should choose; he shall enjoy lasting prosperity, and his children after him shall inherit the land. The Lord confides his purposes to those who fear him, and his covenant is theirs to know.
Prov 14:26-27 (NIV) He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death.
Ps 34:9 (NEB) Fear the Lord, all you his holy people; for those who fear him lack nothing.
Prov 19:23 (NEB) The fear of the Lord is life; he who is full of it will rest untouched by evil.

I used to say that fearing God was just reverencing Him.  That was before I met Him face to face in my sin.  There are no words to describe the holiness and majesty of almighty God!!!!!!  The absolute power, the purity, the active, living LOVE that He is......which threw me on my face in trembling fear, absolutely!!!  Oh, the shattering reality, the terrifying conviction of one word from God!!!!  Why would I want to worship Him otherwise, if He were not these things, and so much more?  He is GOD!!!!!  And He is MY God!!!

But the fear of God is only the BEGINNING of wisdom.  It must be by this revelation, this gift from God......this moment of perfect mental health alone (fearing God) that we are able to ENTER by seeing our need, and thus receive our remedy.  Once we begin to walk with Him, resting in His peace and love, we begin to wonder......., what is the middle, and the end of wisdom?

It is no less wonderful and amazing!  It is the actual 3-in-1 Person of Jesus Christ and God the Father, living in us as the Holy Spirit....that same God Who formed the universe ("uni" = one; "verse" = word)!!  We begin to see how He IS wisdom, and how that is only a part of Who He is!  Then we begin to perceive that He wants to give us EVERYTHING that He is for free, for EVER!!!!  All of a sudden, all our other fears, nightmares, stresses, worries, etc. become like microscopic specs on the ground, because we know that the God of eternal love has married us and has the power and desire to achieve perfect intimacy with us, as we are held in His deepest heart.......where we are forever out of the reach of Satan and other fears!  So then, it is LOVE.  We are like the seed, buried in the dirt; a dark place of fear, but necessary!  The love of God pulls us out and upward!

Man's wisdom is so silly compared to Him.  No, a better word is FOOLISH.  I will add ARROGANT.  But unless we begin to fear God, we are absolutely taken in by it, and can't see that we have been fooled at all.  We have only ourselves to blame, for we freely gave ourselves to sin and darkness, especially darkness of the mind.

My precious little ones, just step into the Light!!  Don't be satisfied to remain hidden behind a wall, peeking around the corner.  Ask God to show you how to fear Him!  I promise you He will do it, and you will never be the same!

love, Mama

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